About Us

Helping content creators reach their audience and achieve their goals. Providing you with professional solutions. Optimizing your organization and workflow. Finding innovative ways to increase efficiency and cut costs.
Working on a global scale, providing support in three different languages.


What do you do?

Alstra Infinite works in different fields as producers and consultants. We also work together with content creators in order to bring you high quality content. We are currently working on a video game titled “Project-world-agents”. Alstra Infinite is run by hobbyists who have a passion for creating quality content. We also provide a lot of assets, which you can use in different projects. Such as game dev, streaming, video editing, sound design, or in whatever way you see fit.

What’s your goal?

Our goal is to create high quality content that can be both entertaining and educational. We also believe in giving back to the community. That’s why we proudly share a lot of our content free of charge. If you love something set it free, so we did 🙂

Why are you creating assets?

We love providing creators with the necessary tools and making professional assets accessible to everybody.

Can I use your assets commercially/personally?

You are free to use our assets in any commercial or non-commercial project. The license for each asset is stated under the listing description.

You can check the End User License Agreement document for assets that are obtained from different platforms using the following links:
Unity Asset Store – https://unity3d.com/legal/as_terms
Unreal marketplace – https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/eula/publishing

Do I need to credit Alstra Infinite as the origin of the assets used in a project?

The license for each asset is stated under the listing description. CC-BY license applies if nothing is mentioned. Which means you are free to use the assets, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, as long as you can give appropriate credit.

Why is “Project-world-agents” taking too long?

Because Alstra Infinite is run by hobbyists, it can be difficult to run the project at 100% speed. That’s why it takes time to post updates. We also try to only post updates when there are noticeable changes and improvements. Most of the time, the team is busy fixing details behind the scene. Such details still get included in Project Updates, whenever we have new things to share.

I want to contribute. What should I do?

This makes us very happy and excited to hear. If you want be part of this amazing team, we recommend that you contact us. We are always looking for talented and creative individuals to join our humble team.

Who is working with Alstra Infinite?

When it comes to producing online content such as video tutorials, gaming news, streams and creative projects. The main source will be socommr. That’s also where The Game Wave podcast will be mainly produced and shared, alongside the Alstra Infinite website. There are also a couple more teammates that publish posts, share digital assets, and help with the ongoing creative projects.